Link Badge
Beavers to Cubs Link
- Be at least 7 ½ years old.
- Visit your Cub Pack with your parents or leader and take part in a game or activity.
- Find out the names of the leaders and how the Sixes work.
- Report back to the Beaver Colony about your visit.
- Invite the Sixers and/or the Cub Scout Leader to visit the Colony to run a game or activity or talk to the Beavers about the Cub Scout programme.
- Optional: Take part in a Group or joint Beaver/Cub activity as agreed by your leader.
Cubs to Scouts Link
- Be at least 10 years old.
- Visit your Scout Troop and take part in an activity (your Cub Leader or parents will accompany you) .
- Find out the names of the leaders and the Patrol Leaders, what happens during the flag ceremonies and how the Patrol System works.
- Speak to the Scout leader after your visit to ask questions and tell them what you enjoyed most.
- Report back to the Cub Pack about your visit.
- Invite the Patrol Leaders and/or the Scout Leader to visit the Cub Pack to run a game or activity or talk to the Cubs about the Scout Troop programme.
- Optional: Take part in a Group or joint Cub/Scout activity as agreed by your leader.
Scouts to Explorers Link
- Be at least 13 ½ years old.
- Visit an Explorer Scout Unit and take part in an activity (your Scout Leader may accompany you if you wish.)
- Find out how the Unit runs, what programme activities they have planned, camping trips and expeditions.
- Speak to the Explorer Scout Leader after your visit to ask questions and discuss when it would be appropriate to visit again.
Explorers to Network Link
- Be at least 17 ½ years old.
- Visit a meeting of your local Scout Network and take part in an activity (your Explorer Scout Leader may accompany you if you wish).
- Find out how the Network runs, what programme activities, camps, trips and expeditions they have planned.
- Speak to the Network Leaders/members after your visit to ask questions and discuss when it would be appropriate to visit again.