We rely on subscriptions to maintain our financial well-being and to pay the annual capitation fee to the Scout District, County and to Headquarters – much of this is insurance cover for all our activities. At present, the subscription is £44 per term (there are three terms a year) for each member, preferably payable by Direct Debit, otherwise in advance at the start of each term, or, by prior arrangement, monthly or weekly. The Gift Aid scheme allows us, as a registered charity, to reclaim income tax that you have paid on your subscription. You will be given a form to enable us to do this. Please complete this; it does make a big difference to our finances.
Your subscription is used for:
* Capitation paid to the District, County and National Headquarters for services they provide and for essential insurance. This is over £60 per head each year.
* Maintenance and services for the hall
* Boats and camping equipment
* Activities at weekly meetings
* Training of Leaders. All leaders are required to attend extensive training programmes in all aspects of Scouting
* Subsidising activities.
* Books and stationery
In addition to subscriptions, charges may be made from time to time to cover the costs of optional activities, such as camps and excursions.
If you have difficulties paying subscriptions or camp fees, please talk in confidence with the Group Scout Leader. No child will be excluded because of the inability of parents to pay.