Organisation of Scouting
The U.K. Scout Association is one branch of World Scouting. We are in the West Sussex Scout County of the U.K. Association and in the Arundel and Littlehampton District. Scout Groups are individual charities; the members of the Executive Committee are the Trustees of the charity and responsible for general policy and fund-raising. The Group Scout Leader is responsible for Scouting itself within the Group.
The members of our Executive committee are Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer (often, but not necessarily, parents of members), Section leaders of the Beavers, Cubs and Scouts (if they chose), the Group Scout Leader and such other members as are considered necessary. Ideally, we should have at least one parent from each section on the Executive Committee. The Chairman is nominated by the Group Scout Leader.
There is an Annual General Meeting held each year, at which members of the Executive Committee are appointed, reports of the year’s activities and statements of the accounts are presented. All parents and carers are entitled to attend and to vote at this meeting.
We are responsible for raising all our own funds and receive nothing regularly from elsewhere. The majority of our income comes from subscriptions and from the Gift Aid we receive on these. The group Executive Committee endeavours to keep subscriptions as low as possible, but our outgoings are considerable and require additional income from fundraising. The greater our fundraising income, the lower we can keep subscriptions, so please help as much as you can with fundraising.