Code of Conduct
Behaviour Policy
Our Aim
It is our primary aim that every member of the 5th Littlehampton Sea Scout Group feels valued and respected, and that each person is treated fairly and well. We are a caring community, whose values are built on mutual trust and respect for all. The Groups Code of Conduct is therefore designed to support the way in which all members of the Group can work together in a supportive way. It aims to promote an environment in which everyone feels happy, safe and secure. The 5th Littlehampton Sea Scout Group expects every member to behave in a considerate and respectful way towards others. We treat all children fairly and apply our Code of Conduct in a consistent way. Leaders provide a positive model of behaviour and ensure high expectations are made explicit to the children.
Parents and Carers
Parents and Carers agree to the Code of Conduct when their child joins the 5th Littlehampton Sea Scout Group. Parents are expected to ensure their child/ren adhere to the Code of Conduct and support the actions of the Group but are able to address any queries regarding sanctions firstly to the Section Leader, then to the Group Scout Leader. The Group collaborates actively with parents and carers, so that children receive consistent messages about how to behave at home and in Scouting. We expect parents and carers to support their child’s learning, and to cooperate with the Group.
Code of Conduct
Good behaviour is expected from all Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Young Leaders and Leaders and we clearly set out the behaviour we expect in a ‘Code of Conduct’. It is not acceptable to the leaders or other young people for an individual or small group to regularly disrupt the programme and therefore any young person whose behaviour is frequently unacceptable, will be escalated through the code of conduct set out below. Our Code of conduct is:
- A verbal warning will be issued.
- A written warning will be issued.
- A 2 week ban from any scouting activities.
- Permanent exclusion from the group.
N.B Any appeal should be in writing and taken up with the Group Scout Leader.
We encourage all young people to maintain a neat, tidy and clean appearance, so please ensure you child attends in full uniform each week (unless otherwise stated). We carry out regular inspections of uniform and appearance and young people are awarded points for this.
Things we Expect
- Do your best! -Just that –take part, have a go, do your best …Scouting is fun!
- Be kind, helpful and respectful -Look after each other; see what you can do to help the others.
- Try to do a good turn every day -Helping someone else is always appreciated.
- Think of others before yourself -Make sure the others get to enjoy things as much as you.
- Listen when we ask -If we need to speak, you must be quiet –we don’t want to shout. When we put our hand in the air you must be quiet and listen to allow us to get on with things quickly and safely.
Things we won’t allow
- Misuse or destruction of equipment or other people’s property -all equipment is supplied so that you can learn and have the best opportunities.
- Being mean to others -Bullying either physical, mental, verbal or cyber –such as name-calling or putting people down –will not be tolerated in any way.
- Things that put others in danger -Shoving, pushing, kicking or silly behaviour won’t be allowed, as it can be dangerous.
- Rudeness and swearing – this can offend people and not is acceptable–we expect better of you.